List of Needs

“Nothing can change in our lives unless our mind (attitude) changes.”

What is Love?
Love is not emotion.
Love is a choice.
Love is the response to understanding the value of a thing.
Value is measured by what you are willing to spend on something.
Love is the act of the will.
Love is a Law and Law has no feeling.
Love is a decision to commit to meet the needs of another for life without expectation.
Love is caring – anticipating a need ad meeting it.
True love has no reason.

“Irrefutably, there is nothing more powerful on the earth than an idea, why because ideas are the source of everything, ideas also control the world, and ideas are the source of motivation and purpose. Without ideas, we don’t have a purpose in existence, there is no quiddity. Purpose determines the design and design determines needs. Without purpose, we don’t have definitions, without definition we don’t have meaning, without meaning we don’t have understanding, without understanding we don’t have communication, without communication we don’t have relationships, without relationships we don’t have oneness, without oneness there is no fulfilment and without fulfilment, there is no sense of happiness and significance (personal or corporate), destination, fulfilment of needs.”

“One of the most potent forces on earth is the will of man. The power of your will is yours however, a will can be influenced by others, society constructs, culture, environment, etc.”

“The Will controls the destiny of man.

The seat of the will is the conscious and the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind feeds your subconscious information. 

The mind is the centre of thoughts and it holds the key to life, therefore you are whatever that’s in your subconscious mind, whoever controls your subconscious mind, controls your life. (For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you.)

The mind is defined as your heart… The mind is the centre of the soul.

The soul is the integration of your Mind, your Will and your Emotions. The battle in life is for the soul. The Soul is the first component of media created by God. The soul is a medium because it is the mediator between the spirit and body. The soul is what dictates what the spirit receives. The soul receives from the senses and deposits it in the spirit. Our spirit reveals to the soul to the body.

Mankind is a spirit, that leaves in the body and possesses a soul. Whoever controls the soul rules the man.

The original plan or purpose of God was to rule the seen world from the unseen world through the unseen man living on the seen body on the scene. God wants to control the world through you from the unseen man (spirit), who lives in the seen body on earth to affect the earth they live on. To make the earth like heaven. No poverty, no sickness, no worries, no crimes, no lies, no discrimination, no destruction, no pain, etc.”

“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration generated by a passion motivated by a vision birthed by a conviction produced by a purpose.”

“The quality of your spirit determines the words you speak. The words that speak are spirit, when the heart (mind) is full the mouth will speak.”

“The most challenging project in the world is the reconstruction of the human mind. You are the sum total of all you have been conditioned to think and believe. You are no more than what you think (so if your thinking is wrong, your life will be wrong)”

“Ideas are the most powerful elements on the earth, ideas are thoughts, a thought is an idea. Ideas live in your head and by words you communicate them out, words are an expose ideas. Words spoken go into your ears, into your mind and live there to produce a thought. So the most important thing in life is the source of your thoughts, where do you get your thoughts and ideas? The source of your thoughts determines your life. So your belief is your philosophy and your philosophy is your ideas, your ideas are thoughts you have collected. Where did you get your ideas from? A word is the container of an idea, 

The most precious thing in life is words and the most dangerous thing in life are words because they transmit ideas which become your belief system.”

“The way something functions is determined by its source.”

Purpose is precede everything.
Purpose is the original intent for the creation.
Purpose is the reason for the existence.
Purpose is the desired result that was intended by the creator of the thing.
Purpose is the end of a thing, why go for the thing.
Purpose is the source of Meaning and Essence for creation.
In conclusion, purpose can be defined as a product of truth about every created thing.”

Purpose is the source of meaning, worth, significance, identity, Destiny, life, design, uniqueness, and potential. When one does not know his/her purpose they try to find all these things in other ways. 

Purpose is defined as the original intent, cause for creation, the motivation for creation, the reason for existence, predetermining of a thing, and why a thing exists. So if you want to know and understand why something exists you have to know what was in God’s mind when he created the thing. 

Principle of Love
“God is love, love needs to give, and giving needs a receiver. In order for giving to be complete, the receiver must be just like the giver. God could not give in this way to the plants or the animals because they were not like Him.

Love must give itself away in order to be fulfilled; therefore, love needs a receiver. For love to be complete, the receiver must return it to the giver. That’s the relationship God has designed each of us for, and to which He invites all of us.

In order for love to be complete, the receiver must be like the giver. That is why God spoke to Himself when He created man; the receiver of His love needed to be just like Him. With the creation of man as a spiritual being in God’s own image, the cycle “seemed complete. God was the Giver, the man was the receiver; God was the Lover, the man was the loved; God was the Initiator, the man was the responder.

Obedience to God is the greatest demonstration—the greatest proof—of our love for Him. We love God by obeying Him. Without obedience, any professions of love and devotion we make are empty, meaningless, and hypocritical.”

“Love is making a commitment to meet the needs of another person.”

“The key to freedom is knowledge.
The key to knowledge is truth.
The key to the truth is the manufacturer (creator, the father, the source).
The manufacturer is the only entity that knows the truth about his product, everyone else is guessing, experimenting.”

“Laws are given to guarantee success.
The most important knowledge on earth is the knowledge of laws.
The most powerful force on earth is laws. Life is about obeying laws.
Laws are inherent in creation.
Laws are necessary in creation.
Law is essential to Life
The key to success in life is law
The absence of law is the beginning of destruction.

The law of wisdom
Knowledge of laws and principles are the source of wisdom
Knowledge of laws and principles produces boldness
Wisdom is laws and principles applied
Laws and principles are more important than power

The LAW – the original precepts, principles, standards, and inherent regulations established by the creator.”

“An undiscovered a precious stone is still a a precious stone, if no one discovers it, its still a valuable. This is also true about every human being. You are valuable not because people know you. You are value because of who you are.”

“The truth about human value and abilities is not scientific. Science doesn’t have the capability of measuring the value of a human. Science requires hard evidence, incontestable fact, empirical evidence, science is based on assumption and it is an unretrievable error to assume about a human. It is abominable for science which the practice of limited and fallible man attempting to measure human beings that are dynamic, always change which requires the expectation of inconsistency and unpredictability. And science cannot deal with unpredictable items or components. Because humans are always changing any attempt to judge a human is wrong.

Human nature is not scientific. There is too much margin for interpretation when you deal with a human. We are emotional creatures, spiritual creatures, developing creatures you cannot put a human in a category. The particular composition of any human being is ultimately a mystery to everyone except the manufacturer, God.”

“Purpose gives you conviction, conviction gives you vision, vision gives you passion, passion gives you inspiration, and when you inspire people, you can influence them.”

“Values are transmitted by example, not talk. Morals are transmitted by personification, not lectures.”

“Understanding the nature of needs
Everything was created to function by specific predetermined principles. Whatever that exists was created by the manufacturers to function by certain principles – car, watch, clothing, iron, etc. Everything created in nature or made by man comes with its need to be built in. Needs are inherent in a product.

These principles of function are called NEEDS. A plant functions when it is in soil. So the function is based on the principle of soil and the plant. The principle becomes a need. The plant doesn’t want soil now, it needs soil. Every human being created by God came with needs that are regulators of your function. 
A need is a requirement necessary for effective function. If you want humans to function, you got to meet certain needs in a human’s life and when the human does not have the needs meant the human starts to malfunction. You cannot substitute one need for another need.
Every created thing was designed with inherent needs. Inherent means that you do not decide the needs of a thing.”

“The power of Needs
Needs control and motivate behaviours.
Needs determine fulfilment.
Needs are the source of frustration and un-fulfilment.
When needs are not met creation malfunctions.
When needs are meet, creation functions.
The key to life is meeting needs”

Principles for purpose:
“God is a God of purpose.
God created everything with a purpose.
Not every purpose is known to us because we have lost our understanding of God‘s original intent for us.
Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.
To discover the purpose of something, never ask the creation; ask the creator.
We find our purpose only in the mind of our Maker.
God‘s purpose is the key to our fulfillment. “

“Principles of Relationship
Everything was created to relate to something else
All relationships are based on needs.
Needs dictate the nature of all relationships. The kind of relationship you develop with something depends on the needs that it meets in your life.
When needs are neglected relationships are broken. Every time there is a break in a relationship with somebody is because there was a need that wasn’t met or a need that was neglected. When something is causing stress in any relationship is only because someone’s needs it not being met. 

Relationships are successful when needs are effectively met.”


“The greatest mystery in life is that your destiny was chosen by God but its fulfilment is decided by you. That is a heavy responsibility.”


“The most powerful force possessed by humans is belief. Your mind is dangerous. Belief and unbelief are both equally powerful. A belief is a firm conviction and perception of reality. A belief is what one holds to be true.”


“Truth is the original intent for the reason why something was made, the truth is in the heart of the creator.”


“Attitude is a product of your belief. The source of belief is your perception of truth. Belief is a result of your perception of truth. In other words, you believe what you believe to be true and what you believe to be true may be a lie but that’s your belief therefore it becomes the foundation of your attitude.”


“The reason why we argue, fight, disagree, fight in court, marriages don’t work, cheat, steal, kill because we are all corrupt.”


“It is an attitude that distinguishes a leader from a follower. People don’t change until their attitude change. Attitude don’t change until thinking changes. Thinking doesn’t change until beliefs changes. It is the unique attitudes that distinguish leaders from followers. The key to your future is your attitude.

The attitude of a leader produces behaviours and these behaviour stretches the leader beyond the limitations of the norm. 

You can not live beyond the limits of your beliefs. You are trapped by your belief system. You cannot live beyond what you believe. You think what you believe. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”


“About 90% of humans on earth are oppressed. Oppression is very subtle. The power of oppressors is the maintenance of ignorance. As long as they can keep you ignorant they control you, so they literally tell you what to believe and you become convicted by what they told you and you begin to believe in yourself. That is why oppressors always controls education.”


“The number one problem of humanity is ignorance.”



“Personal decisions are never private and character is having awareness that your life belongs to everyone else.”


“The greatest atrocity/unpardonable act is to live on the next human’s wisdom and knowledge.”


“The definitions of life are derived from two diametrically opposed concepts: creation and evolution. Whichever one you chose will define your destination.”


“Your culture reveals your origin.”


“You are not created to lead people. You are created to lead in your area of gifting. You were designed by the creator to deliver a gift to your generation. The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver to humanity and your value determines your wealth. Your wealth is a by-product of the services of your gift.”


“God created everything to function by specific predetermined principles. Principles are fundamental rules, foundational laws or standards established by the Creator to govern and regulate the functions of His creations. All human beings were created to live by principles; without them, life would be nothing more than an unstable and unpredictable experiment.”


Self-love is a result of self-discovery (you have to discover yourself first else you will never love yourself)
Self-love is a result of self-source. You have to discover where yourself was sourced, and where you came from, you cannot love yourself if you don’t know where you came from. Because source determines value. If you don’t know your source you don’t know your value. 
Self-love is a result of self-worth, you can never give your self-worth if you don’t know where you came from and you cannot know where you came from if you don’t discover yourself and discover your source. Most are suffering from other people’s value of you.
Self-love is a result of self-esteem, esteem means how much you estimate yourself, your cost and your worth. 
Self-love is a result of self-concept, concept has to do with a picture, an idea. How you picture yourself results in how you treat yourself and others, that discovery has to do with where you came from.
Self-love is a result of self-identity
Self-love is a result of self-value 

Discovery of yourself determines your attitude toward yours and that determines the measure of love yourself and that determines how much you can love me. 


“The family is the oldest institution on earth. It’s older than the government, which means the government shouldn’t touch it. The family pre-existed the government, the family is God’s ideal institution because here is what God intended; the family is the cure for all social ills (whether it is psychological, emotional or spiritual) 

The reason why our societies are sick psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically is because the family breakdown. The solution to all our national problems is the restoration of the family but we are going on the wrong direction, we are trying to redefine the family. The family is God’s ultimate solution to humanity social ills, the family is the key to a stable productive sensitive and healthy nation. Why, because the family is the smallest denominator of society, and when you put a numbers of families together it is called a community and if you put a number of communities together it is called a country. So a country is only as healthy as the family. Family is the foundational unit for reproduction and for development for the future of the nation. That means the family is the prototype of the society and that means that society is only as strong as a family, therefore society is a reflection of what’s going on in the family (crime, robbery, depression, frustration, incest, corruption, wife abuse, husband abuse, domestic violence) all of it comes from the family. The sanctity of the family is the bedrock of human survival.  The family is not the product of the state

The purpose for the family is:
To secure and protect society.
The sanctity of the family and not the institution of the state.”


“Human beings are social creatures, and we relate to each other on three levels: spirit, mind, and body. To put it another way, we interact with each other in the spiritual, soulical, and physical dimensions. This progression is very important. Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels, the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams, and personality.”


“Whatever you compromise to gain, you will lose.”